Emissions in Our DeFi Ecosystem

What Are Emissions?

Emissions are additional token rewards distributed to users who participate in various activities within our DeFi platform. They are a key component of our tokenomics model, designed to incentivize specific behaviors and distribute the platform’s native token (RETRO) over time.

Key Components of Our Emission System

  1. ve3,3 (Vote Escrowed 3,3): The backbone of our governance and incentive structure.
  2. Gauges: Mechanisms for distributing rewards to different liquidity pools.
  3. Merkl: An efficient reward distribution system developed by Angle Protocol.

How Emissions Are Calculated

Emissions in our platform are calculated based on several factors:

  1. Total Emission Rate: The overall rate at which new RETRO tokens are minted and distributed.
  2. Gauge Weights: Determined by ve3,3 token holder votes, affecting how emissions are distributed among different pools.
  3. User’s Liquidity: The amount of liquidity a user provides to a specific pool.
  4. Lock Duration and Amount: For ve3,3 token holders, longer locks and higher amounts increase emission rewards.
  5. Boost Factor: Additional multiplier based on a user’s ve3,3 position.

Emission Calculation Formula

User Emissions = Base Emission Rate * Gauge Weight * User Liquidity Share * Boost Factor


  • Base Emission Rate: Set by governance
  • Gauge Weight: Determined by ve3,3 voting
  • User Liquidity Share: User’s liquidity / Total pool liquidity
  • Boost Factor: Based on user’s ve3,3 position (1x to 2.5x)

What Emissions Are Based On

Emissions in our platform are based on:

  1. Protocol Parameters: Set by governance, including total emission rate and distribution schedules.
  2. User Activity: Including liquidity provision, token locking (ve3,3), and participation in governance.
  3. Market Dynamics: Gauge weights change based on community voting, reflecting market demand for different pools.
  4. Time: Emissions often follow a decay schedule, reducing over time to create long-term sustainability.

How to Read Emissions for a Given User

To read emissions for a specific user:

  1. Check User’s Positions:

    • Liquidity provided in different pools
    • ve3,3 lock amount and duration
  2. Gauge Information:

    • Current gauge weights for relevant pools
    • Total liquidity in each pool
  3. Use Merkl for Efficient Calculations:

    • Merkl handles complex reward calculations and distributions

This call would return an object containing:

  • Claimable emissions
  • Emission rate (tokens per second/day)
  • Boost factor applied

Reading Emissions on Frontend:

  1. Display total claimable emissions across all pools
  2. Show emission rates for each pool the user is participating in
  3. Indicate the user’s current boost factor
  4. Provide a breakdown of emissions sources (e.g., liquidity mining, ve3,3 rewards)

Factors Affecting User Emissions

  1. Changing Gauge Weights: As ve3,3 holders vote, pool emission allocations change.
  2. User’s ve3,3 Position: Increasing lock amount or duration can boost emissions.
  3. Pool Liquidity Changes: As total liquidity in a pool changes, individual share and emissions adjust.
  4. Protocol-Wide Changes: Governance decisions can affect overall emission rates or distribution mechanisms.